Cargos Revisted
I went through a phase with cargo pants (and shorts! And skirts – the horror!) while growing up. I blame TLC for the influence. I thought I was Left-Eye, bless. (I’m sure she is resting in peace and looking fabulous up there.) The horrible result that ensued as a result of my early teenage (read: young and stupid) interpretation though, that, I can only blame on myself.
More than a decade after throwing out those utilitarian baggies, I finally felt ready to buy another pair of cargo pants – albeit a skinny-fitting, updated pair (but of course!). I quite love them; like jeans, but more fun, and easy to dress up with heels, a smart top and a blazer, and just as easy to dress down with sneakers, an old worn-out concert tee and a trucker cap.
 Zara Top | Girl with the Dragon Tattoo x H&M Cargo Pants | Aldo Rise Heels | Nixon Watch | Accessori Bracelets, Necklace and Ring | Chloe Bag