Red & White

So this beautiful country turned 48 on 9th August, and the girls and I had an impromptu celebration at A’s place! She cooked up a feast for us while we…ate. Haha. L brought ice-cream (to go with her home-made brownies!) and I brought wine (and an appetite!).

A believes in making stuff from scratch – her seafood patties were super yums! Here’s when I was being super unhelpful in the kitchen – documenting and stealing food, but not doing any actual baking or cooking.

Her mum had her own party, and she was sweet to send over some home-made vadai our way! They were chockablock with prawns, and were really savoury and tasty!

Theme was red and white – seems not everyone took it quite as literally…

Happy 48th birthday, Singapore! To many wonderful years ahead.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen

It took some getting used to, and has been  little hard to get the words out when asked my age, but I have come to terms with it – I’m 30 (and fabulous, haha!).

One of the girlfriends says ’30 is the new 20′, and I’ve to both agree yet disagree with her. Yes, as it implies that youth, and all the fun and spontaneity that comes with being ‘young’ doesn’t stop at 30. But no because #1: who says 30 isn’t ‘young’; and #2: who says 20-somethings have all the fun?? (Even if I did have a LOT of fun in my 20s…but then I enjoyed my teenage years as well, so…)

And so yes, this 30-year old knows that turning ‘Dirty Thirty’ is simply an excuse to celebrate many times over. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my life these 30 years, and thank you for not just putting up with the crazy that comes with that, but for also joining in sometimes.


We gon’ sip Barcardi like it’s your birthday

Third surprise – and the most special one of all. =)

Was whisked off to the Fullerton Hotel with instructions to simply ‘bring a nice dress’.

Got dressed and was then sent down for champagne in the lounge. =) Got back to the suite, and all my friends started showing up! <3

It was Jaslyn’s birthday too!

Am truly blessed. Thank you to all of you for making this happen! +)

We gon’ party like it’s your birthday

Second surprise – they literally jumped out of a bush to surprise me!

Went with the old buddy for one of our favourite things to eat – ma la hotpot! – and made our way to East Coast after for drinks. Unbeknownst to me, the gang was already in on this, and they prepped a table, lit the candle on the cake, and hid in the bushes, ready to spring when I saw the cake. However, blur as I am, I walked right past the table and didn’t see anything! Fail. They still jumped out though, because I almost walked past where they were hiding! Gotta love my friends. =)

Can’t believe I walked right past this! 

Thank you, buddies!

Dress (sample piece for maryjulian) | Bracelets from Jipaban |

Go shawty, it’s your birthday

I turned a year older and wiser on the 6th of April, and I’ve been so blessed to have had a whole slew of celebrations with family & friends (still ongoing too!). On top of that, quite a few celebrations were surprise ones, so to everyone who took the time and the trouble, thank you so much for your love.

It started with this little surprise from Chloe & Joanne, two days before my birthday.

Bear with me – many more birthday posts to come! =p

Zara tee | Uniqlo skinnies | Zapatos heels | Rolex watch | Accessori bracelets from Jipaban |

30’s a Charm

Was the bestie’s birthday recently, and we had a good ole’ fashioned kind of celebration.Since it also fell during the 15 days of CNY this year, we went all-out retro ching-chong with a 10 course Chinese dinner at a super old school place in Chinatown. Since she’s ROM-ing later this year, there were many jokes of having her dinner at this place, complete with 80s style wedding gown – HUGE puffy sleeves, HUGE head pieces, complete with side-styled frizzy hair…Have your wedding here, please! Heh.

The yusheng was funny that day. Apparently.The company, even funnier…Found it all a little fishy.Ok, ok, couldn’t resist. Heh.

Adjourned to Bitters & Love after for drinks and cake. (And arm-wrestling and then some!)

Let the epic battle begin. (C & E not impressed…)A & J even more unimpressed…