Clarins Skin Spa

You may or may not know this, but I am the new ambassador of Clarins Shaping Facial Lift. Other than being very honoured to be chosen to front one of my favourite skincare products (I started using this a year ago and everyone thinks I’ve lost weight – I havent; just that the chubby apple cheeks have gone down!), it’s an honour to represent a brand with such a long heritage;one with a strong research foundation.

So I was recently invited to be pampered at the Clarins Skin Spa, and the experience was nothing short of luxurious. I don’t go for regular facials as I hate the extraction process – can’t stand the pain! I also have skin that is slightly sensitive, so am loathe to risk a breakout or flaky skin (usual reactions =( ) by going to a facial and having new products used on my skin. Since I’ve already been using Clarins’ plant-based products for some time without any bad reaction, and assured that they don’t use machines or do extractions, I accepted the invitation.

Glad I did too as the experience was nothing short of luxurious. I was ushered into their relaxing Lounge area, where I was offered a choice of beverage.

Jade Seah

After that, it was into the consultation area where my lovely Beauty Therapist, Candy, asked about my skin concerns. I told her I’ve been suffering from a mild breakout (I blame the stress and late nights!) and also slight puffiness in the face (for this I blame Hai Di Lao and all my late night hotpot suppers!). She recommended The Total V Shaper Facial to address my concerns, and explained how they use a range of extra high-performance Clarins products at the Spa that’s not available via retail. She also assured me they do not perform extraction and that no machines are used – just her professional, trained hands. I was sold.

Jade Seah

Time for the treatment! Everything smelt super good, as Clarins products do. Candy performed this amazing facial massage on me that helps lymphatic drainage and gives the skins a glow. I appreciated the attention to detail and how all elements came together to help me feel thoroughly relaxed – on top of the facial, there was also a hand massage and a shoulder massage.

The whole treatment was so relaxing, I fell asleep! Candy gently woke me up…to super radiant skin, and a more contoured, V-shaped face. This was snapped right after the treatment. Even my usually terrible eye circles look less prominent  – this picture is without any editing nor a spot of makeup on.

Jade Seah

Afterwards, what sets Clarins Skin Spa apart from your regular spa is that they have an extensive Touch-up Area where you have full access to all their makeup products so you don’t have to go out bare-faceed – great as I didn’t bring any make-up with me that day.

Jade Seah

And I left feeling so refreshed, with light makeup on and a much smaller, more V-shaped face!

Jade Seah

Here’s a short video of the entire process. I recommend The Total V Shaper Facial to anyone who wants a smaller face, glowing skin and a super relaxing treat.

Good things, must share! Have a try at no charge and no obligation here. =)