Stylish Life

This happened quiteeee awhile back (back in 2013!), but as I always say, better late than never!

The good folks at Lenovo engaged me for the launch of their Yoga tablet this time last year (okay, really a little long, heh).

Jade Seah

She’s so statuesque – I felt dwarfed next to her!

Jade Seah

With Mediacorp makeup artist, Alvin.

All smiles when you throw a shirtless guy in the mix! (At least for me; not sure about for the Muttons, lol!)

Jade Seah

I know it looks like pure glee when he graciously acceded to my request that he take off his shirt, but actually I was just being professional and helping the audience say what they were dying to say, “Take it off, take it off!”

Jade Seah

I was merely showing an appropriate amount of enthusiasm. Not to be misconstrued as shameless excitement or anything of the sort; no sir, not this good, Catholic girl.

Oh and the picture was, erm, taken for posterity. (Good things must share!)

Jade Seah

When I finally let him off the stage, he was probably thinking, ‘thank goodness, crazy lady!’. LOL sorry, HaoRan!

Jade Seah

Lenovo was super generous with four lucky winners walking off with a brand new Yoga tablet each!

Jade Seah

With the Muttons and the Lenovo team – thanks for having me!

Jade Seah