How to Mix Prints

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Hello, stranger! I know I’ve been missing from this space for ages – so much still to share with you: London trip, Macau trip, Bangkok trip, plus the many hen’s parties and trips I’ve been blessed with at the end of 2014! Things have been crazy on this side with work and preparing for the wedding, but I will get down to sharing all that – just a matter of ‘when’. Heh.

New stuff coming on my YouTube channel soon as well, so make sure you’re subscribed so you know when that happens. =)

In the meantime, here’s an outfit post from awhile ago. I love prints and I find that it’s fun to mix them up a little every now and then! I think my mum still has problems with this concept – I once wore a striped shirt with a polka dot skirt and she asked, as if I’d gotten dressed in the dark and had made a mistake, “Dots and stripes? Really?” – and perhaps it was me who had gotten it wrong and looked like some crazy girl; but it’s just clothes at the end of the day. Who cares if you make a little ‘mistake’ sometimes?

If there are any rules to be followed at all, what I find is that when mixing prints, it helps if one print is monochrome. Another trick is to ‘break up’ the look with a neutral outer like a jacket or vest, or even with a neutral-coloured belt.

Let me know if you’d like a video on mixing prints, or on anything else you’d like. Hope you’re having a great start to 2015, and talk soon!

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