Geometric Hex

Geometric Hex Blouse (

Love this Geometric Hex Blouse from So comfy and versatile, it adds a splash of fun to any ensemble. There is a happy problem to this though; guess it’s a common ‘problem’ with cool prints – a good print is memorable and really stands out, but it also means it’s remembered and you’ve to space out your wears to avoid looking like you haven’t any other clothes!

maryjulian Geometric Hex Blouse | Puma harem sweats | vintage heels | bracelets, necklace, ring from Accessori (Jipaban) | vintage Rolex watch | Chloe Sally Bag

Colour Pop

Jackson Military Dress (

On days when I’ve uninspired while getting ready, nothing beats a simple, comfy dress. White is my absolute favourite colour (I have so much white in my wardrobe!), and it makes for a great foil to throw on a whole bunch of coloured accessories. Colour pop(s)!

Armswag (

Armswag (

maryjulian Jackson Military Dress | Casio Watch | Bracelets and ring from Accessori (Jipaban) | Chanel bag | Rayban sunnies | Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! blue suede T-straps