School Style (Most Unpopular Uniform) | ChicPeek Ep 11

CHIJ, SCGS, RGS, MGS, Cedar, SMSS,CCHS…pinafores, pleated skirts, A-line skirts, sleeveless — which is the uniform guys find the most unattractive?
Seems pinafores aren’t the top pick? And MGS has top votes for most unattractive uniform? Find out what RI boys have to say!

And let me know if you want me to come to your school!
New videos out every week, so remember to subscribe to my channel!

School Style (ACS Edition) | ChicPeek Ep 10

CHIJ, SCGS, RGS, MGS, Cedar, SMSS,CCHS…pinafores, pleated skirts, A-line skirts, sleeveless – which is the uniform guys find the most attractive?

Join me as I visit different schools to find out –  I was surprised by some of the answers!

Last week, the Raffles Institution students told me what they thought. In this episode, I hang out outside Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) to chat up some unsuspecting AC boys on the answer. Find out what they had to say about their RI brothers as well!

Let me know if you want me to go to your school next!

Subscribe to my channel if you liked that – new videos out every week!

More fashion tips here.

ChicPeek is a new online series featuring my personal fashion tips, tutorials, DIYs, and fashionista friends.

School Style (Raffles Edition) | ChicPeek Ep 9

CHIJ, SCGS, RGS, MGS, Cedar, SMSS,CCHS…pinafores, pleated skirts, A-line skirts, sleeveless – which is the uniform guys find the most attractive?

Join me as I visit different schools to find the answer. In this episode, I hang out outside Raffles Institution (RI) to chat up some unsuspecting RI students on the answer.

Subscribe to my channel if you liked that!

More fashion tips here:

ChicPeek is a new online series featuring my personal fashion tips, tutorials, DIYs, and fashionista friends.


Remember to catch next week’s episode where I talk to the Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) boys – do you think their choices will be similar?