30’s a Charm
Was the bestie’s birthday recently, and we had a good ole’ fashioned kind of celebration.Since it also fell during the 15 days of CNY this year, we went all-out retro ching-chong with a 10 course Chinese dinner at a super old school place in Chinatown. Since she’s ROM-ing later this year, there were many jokes of having her dinner at this place, complete with 80s style wedding gown – HUGE puffy sleeves, HUGE head pieces, complete with side-styled frizzy hair…
Have your wedding here, please! Heh.
The yusheng was funny that day. Apparently.
The company, even funnier…
Found it all a little fishy.
Ok, ok, couldn’t resist. Heh.
Adjourned to Bitters & Love after for drinks and cake. (And arm-wrestling and then some!)
Let the epic battle begin. (C & E not impressed…)
A & J even more unimpressed…
will there be a backorder or something for the leximesh pullover?
Not at the moment, but will inform you if we do! =)