Melbourne + Mornington Peninsula

Not my first time to Melbourne, but my first time road-tripping out to Mornington Peninsula – fun times!

This started out as a girls’ trip but then Aunty Sheng Wei joined us. (He was awesome though!)

We had such a great time driving out of Melbourne city to Mornington Peninsula, where we spent our time picking strawberries, riding horses by the beach, venturing through grass mazes and petting kangaroos, wallabies and koalas! Oh, and a lot of eating and wine-tasting as well. (When in Australia, live like the Aussies, y’know?)

Wait for Part II of this vlog where you can join us in Melbourne city!

Date Night on a $50 budget at Japan Food Town

Checked out the newly-opened Japan Food Town at Wisma Atria over the weekend and found some date night ideas for you if you’re on a $50 budget.
(PS: Might be best not to inform your date you’re on a $50 budget or that might just be your farewell date!)

Itadakimasu! Makan! (Let’s eat!)

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Burnt Ends

Finally made time to have lunch with an old friend. We’ve both been busy and also travelling, this is like a long overdue meet that was meant to happen since her birthday in October last year! She said her staff were all whispering that she was actually going to meet someone for a social lunch and not for work and that I should feel honoured. Whatever! LOL. Still, it was great to catch up after so long, and we decided to check out Burnt Ends at Teck Lim Road.

Jade Seah Burnt Ends

They are a grill place (hence the name), and the space was very casual with its open kitchen and countertop table seating. I liked the vibe, but I have to say the chairs are one of the most uncomfortable I’ve had to sit on! It hurts when you lean back on the hard wire, and my back hurts when I sit too long without leaning. I am self-aware enough to know I sound like your typical Singaporean Complain King! First world problems, truly.

Jade Seah

Food was pretty damn good though. We had the smoked quail eggs, which were perfectly done with runny yolks that exploded in our mouths. It tasted almost sweet. Yums. Then we had our red meat fix with the excellently done iliocostalis. Mmmmm…

Seafood fans, you MUST have the Alaskan King Crab. I love crab, especially Alaskan crab, and usually have them steamed so as to truly savour the sweet taste of the sea. These juicy legs were grilled  and topped with some garlic, herb and oil sauce (I’m no chef yo!) which brought out the flavour even more. Divine.


Still hungry and craving carbs at this point, so just as well we ordered the Burnt Ends Sanger to finish off. This was deceptively simple-looking, but the flavours were complex yet comforting at the same time. It was tangy, creamy and savoury with a touch of sour spice (I later saw there were jalapenos nesting in there) – yums. I even ate the coleslaw in there; non-veggie eater though I am. A great end to the meal. (No space for dessert!)

Jade Seah Burnt Ends

The place is really nice for weekday lunch, although I’m not sure about the situation in the evenings and on weekends with their no-reservations policy. I personally can’t stand waiting for food, so doubt I’ll go back at these more popular timings.

Jade Seah

Photos outside turned out a little over-exposed as I forgot to adjust settings when we headed out! Opps. Tried to correct them best I could.

Jade Seah

Please give me suggestions on new food places to try!

Sweet Treat

I love Bruno’s and I think it’s taken the (eastside pasta) food spot in my heart where Al Forno used to reside. I usually end up with the linguine granchio (that’s crabmeat linguine) and finish the whole lot on my own, leaving zero space for dessert! I don’t have a separate space in my stomach for sweets, unfortunately!) After the many, many times I’ve had a meal there, this was the first time I’ve ordered dessert. Chocolate craving, satisfied!

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Blessed Union

Two friends of mine recently got married, and I was happy to be able to share in their joy!

Attended the beautiful wedding mass in the morning at Holy Family (I love church weddings!), and their dinner was an intimate affair at Skyve in the evening.

I was one of the few who went date-less, but it seems my friends provided me a ‘date’ seated next to me at table – the always fun (and funny!) Paul Foster.

Singapore is amazingly small, and I find that I have many friends separated by far less than 6 degrees. What I’ve also realised is that I discover a lot of these connections at weddings, festive parties and baby showers!

Some of the other crazy friends at table!

Here’s the girl with the even-louder voice, and waaaay-crazier laugh. These days also known as that other annoying person who giggles and groans through difficult moves in yoga class (heh, sorry, Elaine!).

Congrats, Jade & Nat! <3

White on White

Had Sunday brunch with some of my favourite girls recently at Maison Ikkoku. It was a blisteringly hot day, so I decided to throw on a white on white ensemble to keep cool. Went for mass before that, and while I generally *try* not to wear shorts to church (some people think it improper; I say it’s a question of what shorts and how you style it so it doesn’t look sloppy), these are ‘skorts’ – so I decided the piece counted as more of a skirt than shorts, haha.

I am not much a fan of western breakfasts; am super Singaporean in that I love my meepok dry, mee siam and wanton mee best for breakfast, but I made an exception for the girls (and for Maison Ikkoku)! It lived up to its hype – one of the yummiest scrambled eggs I’ve had in this country.

French Toast with Fresh Berries – great if you prefer a sweet, rather than a savoury, breakfast!

Not an Eggs ben kinda girl, but I have to admit that T’s choice wasn’t half bad.

I recommend making reservations – it was packed when we went around 1pm on a Sunday!

Embossed tee from Korea | Zara skorts | H&M clutch (thanks, Ching!) | Rolex watch | Necklace, bracelets & rings from Jipaban | Ray-Ban aviators | 

Red & White

So this beautiful country turned 48 on 9th August, and the girls and I had an impromptu celebration at A’s place! She cooked up a feast for us while we…ate. Haha. L brought ice-cream (to go with her home-made brownies!) and I brought wine (and an appetite!).

A believes in making stuff from scratch – her seafood patties were super yums! Here’s when I was being super unhelpful in the kitchen – documenting and stealing food, but not doing any actual baking or cooking.

Her mum had her own party, and she was sweet to send over some home-made vadai our way! They were chockablock with prawns, and were really savoury and tasty!

Theme was red and white – seems not everyone took it quite as literally…

Happy 48th birthday, Singapore! To many wonderful years ahead.