Party Time! (Behind the Scenes) | styleXstyle TV

So many photos from fun times filming styleXstyle TV reccently, so here’s another post with more!

Tracy Phillips was my guest for one of the episodes, and we had a blast! You can catch the full episode here if you missed it!

She picked out party outfits for both of us, and I was super stoked to be styled by her. I personally don’t do the ‘prom’ kind of evening look well, and it isn’t her style either. Doing jewel tones and drapes here…

And some sparkle and shine here!

Still have more behind the scenes pictures to share, and am also excited to announce that I’ll be working with another stylish personality to create a bunch of edgy looks from a new multi-label store here in sunny Singapore. Catch the episode on Channel 5, styleXstyle TV and on this space soon!

Can you guess who, and which store we’ll be raiding?


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