I Don’t Care If Monday’s Blue

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

I don’t generally hate Mondays. Tuesdays are sometimes a little hard to take, but Mondays are the start of a new week. Back to work after the weekend (even though I work many weekends; but my loved ones are mostly off on weekends so we get to hang out a bit more then); I try to completely switch off on Sundays – it’s mostly attending mass, spending time with family and indulging in several hours of sports. So Monday’s like a fresh start and a chance to get stuff done.

This skirt suit is a little ‘cuter’ than usual – but I actually love cute things! People are often surprised when they find that out – what, you saying I’m not cute?? LOL.  I love bows, ribbons and girly things. I just practice moderation and a touch of self-restraint, and don’t normally deck myself out like Hello Kitty on steroids – mostly because I cannot carry all that stuff off and would generally look like a first class fool, haha.

Think this skirt suit borders on that precarious line, but I’ll take my chances. Loved it in white (white with contrasting black bows!) but that pushed it over to the edge. So monochrome navy it was, and I decided to keep it simple with just a white crop shirt underneath. Couldn’t resist a touch of stripes and leopard prints for a bit of fun though!

“Friday I’m In Love”
I don’t care if Monday’s blue
Tuesday’s grey and Wednesday too
Thursday i don’t care about you
It’s Friday I’m in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn’t even start
It’s Friday I’m in love

Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But Friday never hesitate…

I don’t care if Monday’s black
Tuesday, Wednesday heart attack
Thursday never looking back
It’s Friday I’m in love

Monday you can hold your head
Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed
Or Thursday watch the walls instead
It’s Friday I’m in love

Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But Friday never hesitate…

Dressed up to the eyes
It’s a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning round and round
Always take a big bite
It’s such a gorgeous sight
To see you in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It’s Friday
I’m in love

I don’t care if Monday’s blue
Tuesday’s grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don’t care about you
It’s Friday, I’m in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn’t even start
It’s Friday I’m in love
– The Cure

Trash Bag Fashion Challenge feat. Willabelle Ong | ChicPeek Ep 51

Ahhh fashion bloggers. On their blogs and on their Instagram feeds, they look good in every picture; always stylish and put-together in their outfits. What happens though when you challenge a fashion blogger to style an outfit on the fly, with a mystery item? Is it all just her designer items that look good or can she work a trash bag? Find out in this fun challenge!

In this episode, I hang out with fashion blogger, Willabelle Ong of Pale Division and challenge her to style an outfit with a trash bag as the main focal point.

New videos out every week, so remember to subscribe!


It’s been so warm lately here in Singapore! Not complaining (well, not really) as at we’ve had some rain and the haze is no longer a huge problem (till the full wave comes mid-year *gulp*). When I look at my photos from my travels to places like the US when it was cold there, I am especially grateful for the eternal summer situation we have here in the tropics. Sure, you can’t layer as much, and my favourite beanies don’t get to see a lot of wear time, but I’ll take the warmth and sunshine; being able to run out in shorts and a singlet; supple skin that’s not parched from the cold; days spent hanging at the beach – over that any day.

That said, here’s one of my slouchy get-ups from NYC in spring when it was finally starting to get a little warmer. This was in front of the Roman Catholic church, St Peter’s, in the Tribeca area where I stayed. I attended mass here the whole time I was there, and I liked how the priest was very inclusive – he made it a point to welcome everyone and to make mention of the fact that regardless of race, nationality, financial situation and sexual orientation, all were welcome and encouraged to come seek peace and solace there. =)

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

ChicPeek x Dorothy Perkins Style Face-Off

In conjunction with Dorothy Perkins, I invited Velda Tan and Jean Danker on this special episode on ChicPeek with a challenge – take one Style Essentials piece (here, it was the Lace Top) and style it a few ways. Best style wins!

So really, what happens when you get three girls with very different personal styles to wear one item three ways?

Nine fabulous outfits, of course!

And there’re treats for you as well! Stand to win $200 worth of shopping vouchers from Dorothy Perkins! Simply “Like” the video and drop a comment below to let us know who you thought wore it best.

Also, exclusive to ChicPeek viewers, get any lace top at just $29! (U.P $36-53).
Simply quote “ChicPeek” at payment to enjoy offer.
Offer ends 30 Apr.

New videos out every week, so remember to subscribe!


Best Dressed People in Singapore | ChicPeek Ep 38

She’s a fashion stylist, one half of DJ Two Face and owner of Yesah – in this episode, I get fearless dresser Linda Hao to spill her fashion secrets. She shares how she puts her eclectic looks together, what inspires her, and reveals where Singapore’s best dressed hipsters hang (it’s not the usual suspects!).

New videos out every week, so remember to subscribe!

Travel Essential

I love jumpers, especially fuzzy or furry ones. They have tactile appeal – they feel so soft and cuddly! – and I also love them for adding texture to outfits. Considering the fact that I live in Singapore and spend most of my time in tropical heat (and humidity!)…I have way too many jumpers. In my defence, the air-con in most places in Singapore is crazy enough to warrant wearing something really warm!

Jumpers are also great when travelling as they offer warmth and can also be easily layered; it looks cute with a shirt underneath, collar peeking out; it also works under a trench coat, anorak or heavy winter jacket. I wore this tangerine one to death in NYC!

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Jade Seah