London Fashion Week

Jade Seah


Jade Seah

This is pretty belated, but am slowly trying to get through uploading pictures from the many trips I was fortunate to have taken last year. Some were for work and some were for play, but I each one was special and I enjoyed them all in different ways. This was for London Fashion Week where Topshop flew Linda (Linda Hao’s blog) and myself up to experience London and to attend the Topshop UNIQUE fashion show.

Bea (Beatrice Tan’s blog) and Vel (Velda Tan’s Instagram) were coincidentally staying in London that period and they joined us for the fun! On top of attending the show together, they also took us to their favourite pancake place and Linda prepared ma la (directly translated as ‘spicy numbing’) hotpot for us back at our place one night as well. Super yums! Photos on those to come soon!

The pictures above were shot by a street style photographer, Anna, who randomly stopped and asked us if she could take a few snaps.

More to come!

Jade Seah’s Favourites | January 2015

Every month, I’ll share some of my favourite finds – movies, books, places, buys – good things should be shared!
New year, new favourites to share! In January, some of my favourites include a movie that isn’t exactly a new release (oops), a book of poetry by Lang Leav and a cafe in my neighbourhood!

Please share some of your favourite things so I can check them out too!

Remember to subscribe so you don’t miss anything!

With special thanks to Nathan Hartono for the music.

Topshop Girls Face-off! | ChicPeek Ep 59

Watch the ultimate style challenge – it gets physical!

There are radio presenters, bloggers and entrepreneurs in this mix; all with different personalities – and very different styles.

Sonia Chew , Chloe Choo, Velda Tan and yours truly fight it out in the ultimate Topshop Girl battle! See who styled it better, who aces the physical challenge and who winds up with the best photo. Celebrity stylist Keith Png helps judge and photographer Bobby Kiran Yeo shoots the girls in action.

Vote for your favourite look in the YouTube comment box, and if your favourite gets the most votes, you stand to win a SGD 200 shopping spree at Topshop Singapore! (Contest ends 31st December 2014.)

New videos out every week, so remember to subscribe!

With special thanks to Topshop Girls Chloe Choo, Sonia Chew, Velda Tan; celebrity stylist, Keith Png; photographer, Bobby Kiran Yeo; and Audio Micro for the music and sound effects.

Neon Leaves

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

So much to be happy and thankful for today! The future sis-in-law just gave birth to a healthy baby; the twinnie and I finally settled and booked tickets and accommodation for our short cousins’ ‘hen’s trip’ of sorts together; and I am looking forward to a short getaway with my most-beloved people this very weekend. =)

Happy thoughts and happy times call for happy colours! Love this double layered midi – it’s neon leaves embroidered on organza; what a cool combination. Makes me want to party!

Rock of Ages

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

My guilty pleasure is blasting 80s classic rock – and playing air guitar while singing yelling along. The lack of a sexy, raspy, rock-chick voice and the inability to play any instrument beyond the classic (and very un-rock) piano means my dreams of rockstar-dom have had to contend with staying there – in my dreams. Still every once in awhile, it’s fun to dress the part. (In this case, I was dressing to theme for the opening night of Rock of Ages in Singapore.)

Fake it till you make it, right?

Rock never dies!

I Don’t Care If Monday’s Blue

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

Jade Seah

I don’t generally hate Mondays. Tuesdays are sometimes a little hard to take, but Mondays are the start of a new week. Back to work after the weekend (even though I work many weekends; but my loved ones are mostly off on weekends so we get to hang out a bit more then); I try to completely switch off on Sundays – it’s mostly attending mass, spending time with family and indulging in several hours of sports. So Monday’s like a fresh start and a chance to get stuff done.

This skirt suit is a little ‘cuter’ than usual – but I actually love cute things! People are often surprised when they find that out – what, you saying I’m not cute?? LOL.  I love bows, ribbons and girly things. I just practice moderation and a touch of self-restraint, and don’t normally deck myself out like Hello Kitty on steroids – mostly because I cannot carry all that stuff off and would generally look like a first class fool, haha.

Think this skirt suit borders on that precarious line, but I’ll take my chances. Loved it in white (white with contrasting black bows!) but that pushed it over to the edge. So monochrome navy it was, and I decided to keep it simple with just a white crop shirt underneath. Couldn’t resist a touch of stripes and leopard prints for a bit of fun though!

“Friday I’m In Love”
I don’t care if Monday’s blue
Tuesday’s grey and Wednesday too
Thursday i don’t care about you
It’s Friday I’m in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn’t even start
It’s Friday I’m in love

Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But Friday never hesitate…

I don’t care if Monday’s black
Tuesday, Wednesday heart attack
Thursday never looking back
It’s Friday I’m in love

Monday you can hold your head
Tuesday, Wednesday stay in bed
Or Thursday watch the walls instead
It’s Friday I’m in love

Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But Friday never hesitate…

Dressed up to the eyes
It’s a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning round and round
Always take a big bite
It’s such a gorgeous sight
To see you in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It’s Friday
I’m in love

I don’t care if Monday’s blue
Tuesday’s grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don’t care about you
It’s Friday, I’m in love

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn’t even start
It’s Friday I’m in love
– The Cure